Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grow old gracefully

When you have dreams at 8, you’re cute,
When you have dreams at 18, it’s inspiring,
But when you have dreams at 28, it’s embarrassing,
This is what the mom told her daughter in “Morning Glory”.

I used to think that as you age,
there will have more limitations in life which are unavoidable,
like stop dreaming and live a normal life, a life that what others expect to see in you.
But when you’re finally reached that stage,
you might realize you still have dreams,
and age doesn’t seem to bother you in achieving such goals.

Just like one said,
aging is not scary, but the one who defines it seems scarier. 

Live a life that you want,
where you hold the full rights in ruling the way you want to live.
Choose the peers that you want to hang out with;
read books that are inspiring;
listen to the music that can fill your soul;
do things that can cheer you up when you’re down;
all in all,  
be the one you wanted to be,
be it you’re a little girl or a young woman,
and you’ll find life’s still beautiful and everything seems possible.

We’re not aging,
but growing old gracefully.
Despite how life will take us,
there’ll always a younger me live within me,
now and forever.


YEN said...


Len小弟 said...


Kelvin said...

So true :)))

Janice Phua said...


felice said...

Yen & Janice:
Glad that you guys like it, thanks a lot :)


你应该也跟我想得一样吧 :)

Kelvin said...

今天啊 我看了小王子

felice said...


《小王子》也是一本我偶尔就会拿出来看的书,喜欢他和玫瑰的关系,也喜欢他跟狐狸的关系 :)