Sunday, November 30, 2008










K3lly said...




felice said...



Anonymous said...


Co-habit and co-holidaying, are different thing too.



Anonymous said...

A normal point of view from a normal man:

1) when it's on holiday, just enjoy the holiday to the fullest.
1.1) he might be judging you like how you are judging him, how does it sound?
1.2) in the end of evaluation process, you might missed the opportunity to enjoy to the fullest

2) you can see marriage as an investment and/or gambling
2.1) betting on luck is gambling
2.1.1) if you want quick way of understanding co-living habit, co-habiting is not a bad idea; but co-habit is equal to an easier and more convenient "exit option"
2.1.2) or else, you can just get married and enjoy surprise of either better or worse from your expectation or; best, is even w/o an prior expectation!
2.2) well-communication and understanding before making next move is investment
2.2.1) rather than observing how one act during holiday, might want to openly discuss what's both of your's bottom tolerate level, it's good to understand both bottom line, and prepared for the worst; there can never be perfection in all aspects; so try getting co-understanding on tolerate level and work toward it to prevent it, or ways of overcoming it
2.2.2) can't judge on holidaying, unless you state it clear that the trip's main objective is to observe and test each other; but again, I can give or show you the best in 100 days, but maybe not the same for 1000 or 10000 days' cases

So, how?


[oops, long post cos i'm interested in this topic, and from my replies, you'll know where I stand, if you'd like to make a guess]

Anonymous said...


Xiang lai xiang qu, hai shi jue de,

Ni bi jiao xiang qu lu xing!

nuff said ;)

felice said...

sia, i try to digest your long reply...can't help laughing non-stop here...let me take a deep breathe and reply u later...

felice said...






Thanks for your long reply :p

Anonymous said...

I think the more important pre-requisite is both guy and lady have to be very true to each other about his/her lifestyle; therefore can we take co-holiday as some pre-marriage reference.

Otherwise, we can show you the best, or tolerate you for 10-100 days, but not 1000-10000 days.

In the end, as you mentioned, is about practical action and only boil down to:

1) money-related issue
Solution: find more money (guys) or lower down expectation (girls), of course, vice versa
Possible Test-accomplished:
i) increase EQ, AQ, IQ and stress level
ii) financial planning & priority ranking
iii) persuasion
iv) self-motivation to achieve higher goals

2) non money-related issue
Solution: you better accept it if it really possess no physical harm to you; otherwise, changing someone for you, is as hard as, changing yourself for someone.
Possible Test-Accomplished:
i) prone to critics
ii) art of critic and giving constructive suggestions
iii) art of accepting critic
iv) will to change and change
v) accepting something you wanted to have it changed but nevermind, anymore.
vi) treasure each other more


There are really no insurance for marriage, and the safest and most convenient, is still, co-habit;
just as there are really no insurance for pregnancy, and the safest would be wearing the "helmet"

The gap between co-holiday and co-habit; might be as big, if not bigger than between co-habit and marriage.

Therefore, before you revisit the options of going for co-habit or direct-marriage, just "naked naked, bottom bottom"

Enjoy your holiday!!

That's the best thing we could do, to treasure the moments and relationship!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I realised why I say so much,

possibly because I hope you don't put too high hope or too serious on thinking co-holiday as pre-marriage reference.

It might be unfair.
